The Suffolk Horse Society, founded in 1877, is the breed society for the Suffolk Horse, popularly known as the Suffolk Punch.

Ploughing Suffolks c. 1920s
The Society:
- Is a registered charity and registered company
- Is the breed society for the Suffolk heavy horse and defines the breed standard
- Maintains the pedigrees of the UK population (and also of the nucleus populations in Australia and New Zealand)
- Publishes the stud book annually, registers animals into the stud book either by birth, by inspection or by a grading up scheme
- inspects and licenses stallions
- provides grants and premiums as a breeding incentive and all Suffolk horse owning Society members, from anywhere in the UK, are eligible to apply for those grants
- issues and registers prefixes/affixes for use by breeders
- promotes ownership of Suffolks by encouraging attendance at shows through offering turnout grants and awards and trophies
- appoints judges who have passed through its probationer scheme to the Suffolk horse judging panel
- provides practical training, open to all, in heavy horse skills
- is a passport issuing organisation recognised by DEFRA
Patron: Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal
Vice-Patron: The Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk
The Suffolk Horse Society is a registered charity and is managed by a body of Trustees, known as the Council, elected from amongst the members at the Annual General Meeting. Elected members serve for a four year term at the end of which they may seek re-election. The Society has a President who is chosen annually by the AGM and who serves for one year. The President is supported by a President Elect, who is also chosen by the AGM, and who takes on the presidency on an annual rolling basis.
The Officers and Council of the Suffolk Horse Society
President: Neil Syrett
President Elect: Jayne Groom
Chairman: Ms Sue Wager
Vice Chairman: Mrs Gail Sprake
Treasurer: Mr Alan Hawes
Stud Book Co-ordinator: Ms Sue Wager
Company Secretary: Mrs Gail Sprake
Council Sub-Committees:
Ms Sue Wager (Chairman) and Stud Book co-ordinator, Mrs Gail Sprake (Vice Chairman & Company Secretary), Mr Neil Syrett (President) can attend any Sub Committee Meeting .

Chairman – Sue Wager
Council Members:
Mr Neil Adams
Mr Mark Donsworth
Clare, Countess of Euston
Mr John Fleming
Mrs Jayne Groom
Mrs Cheryl Grover
Mr Alan Hawes
Mrs Andrea Hoskins
Mr Frank Kinge
Mr John Latham
Mr Bruce Langley McKim
Mr George Pratt
Mary Ryder-Davies
Mrs Gail Sprake
Mr Paul Smith
Mr Chris Spalding
Mr Neil Syrett
Ms Sue Wager