The Suffolk Horse Society is the only charity that raises money for all Suffolk horse breeders

Your donation will help fund research and breeding programmes to help protect this critically endangered breed

New Foals

New Foals

See this year's new arrivals!

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Events Calendar

Events Calendar

View our full list of event this year

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Buy and Sell Suffolk Horses

Buy and Sell Suffolk Horses

Would you like to buy or sell a Suffolk Horse?

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The Suffolk Horse Society 2025 Annual General Meeting
26th April 2025 at Trinity Park, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, at 2pm

Council Elections – Nominations are invited for election to the Suffolk Horse Society Council at the 2025 AGM.

Full details

Christmas Cards and 2025 Calendars – price reduction

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Census 2024

Owners Manual

Important Notice: The Suffolk Horse Society Owner’s Manual was published and circulated to all horse owners in April 2021.

The office is in the process of updating the Owner’s Manual and many of the original documents printed and included in the 2021 Manual have been replaced with more up-to-date documents.
Please note that the update of the electronic Owner’s Manual remains a ‘work in progress’, please contact the office if there are any queries.

Suffolk Horse Society Passports

The Society has taken the decision to clarify the passporting of Suffolk horses to make it clearer for all who own or sell or purchase a Suffolk.
All pure breed Suffolk horses entered into the main section of the Stud Book will carry a green passport cover going forward.
An international registered Suffolk horse or an eligible part breed Suffolk horse will carry a brown passport cover.
Any animals still holding the original white passport or burgundy passport cover please return them to the office as these need the paperwork updating, as they are out of date. 

Please call the office so they are aware that your passport is on its way, and please post by recorded delivery.
PLEASE NOTE: These updates will be done free of charge. Any blue passport covers can also be sent in to have the cover changed but these do hold the correct documentation papers.

We are in the process of updating the Society’s website so that all information is up to date and relevant.
We plan to provide information on upcoming events as soon as this is available, so please do keep an eye on the website for the latest information.
Similarly, if you spot any errors or inaccuracies please let the office know and we can make the necessary amendments.

Office phones are manned between 9am – 1pm Monday to Friday. If you do not receive an answer please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we can. 

Tel no: 01394 380643

The phone will be answered between 9am and 12.30pm Monday to Friday

Did you know, the Suffolk Horse breed, as we know it today, can be traced back to 1768?

The Suffolk Horse Society (SHS) was founded in 1877 and since then has maintained the stud book and the breed standard. We are the ONLY charity that supports all Suffolk horse owners and breeders.

Suffolk Horses are registered on the Priority list of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust,making them critically endangered. Less than 500 pure bred Suffolk Horses are registered in the UK now, making them more endangered that the Giant Panda. The Suffolk Horse Society raise funds to pay for breeding grants, showing grants, and for research into breeding techniques to prevent the breed from dying out. 

Traditionally the Suffolk Horse was bred to work the clay soil of East Anglia, but today the Suffolk Horse has become a more versatile breed. It is still used for agricultural work, ploughing and timber hauling, particularly in conservation areas. But it is also shown in-hand and in turnout classes. It is driven in parades, promotions, competitions, and Suffolk horses are increasingly being ridden and even compete in gymkhana and agility!


How can you help?

By becoming a member of the SHS.

Your subscription and donations will help fund what this charity does:

• Pays Breeding Grants to Mare & Stallion Owners.

• Pays Travel Grants to owners to help promote the horse, enabling more people to see these wonderful animals.

• Organises Training days for Members and new owners to help pass on the skills required to manage and work these horses.

• Maintains a bank of frozen semen for future use by breeders worldwide.

• Funds veterinary and scientific work to assist in the breeding of Suffolk Horses.